Export from File to any destination

CloudQuery is an open-source, self-hosted ELT platform that allows you to extract data from any source into any destination. It requires no account and imposes no limits on rows.

The CloudQuery File plugin is a premium plugin that allows you to sync data from File to any supported CloudQuery destination, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, S3, Snowflake, BigQuery, and many more. Purchase it using the links below.

Standard License

For internal use in one organization


USD. Perpetual fallback license.

  • Unlimited: No usage-based billing or row restrictions.
  • Updates: 6 months of support and updates included.
  • Peace of Mind Guarantee: 14-day money-back guarantee

Extended License

For use in customer-facing products


USD. Perpetual fallback license

  • Unlimited: No usage-based billing or row restrictions.
  • Updates: 6 months of support and updates included.
  • Peace of Mind Guarantee: 14-day money-back guarantee


What is the difference between the standard and extended license?

The standard license is for use in internal products, such as dashboards, internal cloud inventory tools, or other products that are not customer-facing. The extended license is for use of the data in customer-facing products, such as SaaS applications or security products.

What is a perpetual fallback license?

A perpetual fallback license is a license that allows you to use the plugin in perpetuity, even if you stop paying for updates. The license will never expire, but you will not receive updates after your license expires. You will have access to all new versions of the plugin published up to the date your license expires.

What tables and columns will be included?

You can find a list of the tables and their columns in the File plugin documentation.