Google Analytics

Google Analytics Data API v1 (opens in a new tab) authentication is based on OAuth 2.0 authorization (opens in a new tab).

Two methods are supported: OAuth 2.0 and Application Default Credentials.

OAuth 2.0

The following options are available when using OAuth:

Application Default Credentials

See the official Application Default Credentials guide (opens in a new tab).

Note: You will still need to authorize these credentials for scope.

Available options are all the same options described here (opens in a new tab) in detail.

Local Environment

See this guide (opens in a new tab) for local environment to get you started.

The final step is to run:

gcloud auth application-default login \
  --scopes= \

Google Cloud cloud-based development environment

When you run on Cloud Shell or Cloud Code credentials are already available.

Google Cloud containerized environment

When running on GKE use workload identity (opens in a new tab).

Google Cloud services that support attaching a service account

Services such as Compute Engine, App Engine and functions supporting attaching a user-managed service account which will CloudQuery will be able to utilize. You can find out more here (opens in a new tab).

On-premises or another cloud provider

The suggested way is to use Workload identity federation (opens in a new tab). If not available, you can use service account keys and export the location of the key via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. This is not recommended as long-lived keys present a security risk.