
GCP Source Plugin Configuration Reference


This example connects a single GCP project to a Postgres destination. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference.

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: "gcp"
  path: "cloudquery/gcp"
  version: "v9.8.1"
  tables: ["gcp_storage_buckets"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    # GCP Spec
    project_ids: ["my-project"]

GCP Spec

This is the (nested) spec used by GCP Source Plugin

  • project_ids ([]string) (default: empty. will use all projects available to the current authenticated account)

    Specify projects to connect to. If either folder_ids or project_filter is specified, these projects will be synced in addition to the projects from the folder/filter.

  • service_account_key_json (string) (default: empty).

    GCP service account key content.

    Using service accounts is not recommended, but if it is used it is better to use environment or file variable substitution.

  • folder_ids ([]string) (default: empty).

    CloudQuery will sync from all the projects in the specified folders, recursively. folder_ids must be of the format folders/<folder_id> or organizations/<organization_id>. This feature requires the resourcemanager.folders.list permission.

    By default, CloudQuery will also sync from sub-folders recursively (up to depth 100). To reduce this, set folder_recursion_depth to a lower value (or to 0 to disable recursion completely).

    Mutually exclusive with project_filter.

  • folder_recursion_depth (integer) (default: 100).

    The maximum depth to recurse into sub-folders. 0 means no recursion (only the top-level projects in folders will be used for sync).

  • project_filter (string) (default: empty).

    A filter to determine the projects that are synced, mutually exclusive with folder_ids.

    For instance, to only sync projects where the name starts with how-, set project_filter to name:how-*.

    More examples:

    • "name:how-* OR name:test-*" matches projects starting with how- or test-
    • "NOT name:test-*" matches all projects not starting with test-

    For syntax and example queries refer to API References here (opens in a new tab) and here (opens in a new tab).

  • organization_ids ([]string) (default: empty. will use all organizations available to the current authenticated account)

    Specify organizations to use when syncing organization level resources (e.g. folders (opens in a new tab) or security findings (opens in a new tab)).

    If organization_filter is specified, these organizations will be used in addition to the organizations from the filter.

  • organization_filter (string) (default: empty).

    A filter to determine the organizations to use when syncing organization level resources (e.g. folders (opens in a new tab) or security findings (opens in a new tab)).

    For instance, to use only organizations from the domain, set organization_filter to

    For syntax and example queries refer to API Reference here (opens in a new tab).

  • backoff_delay (integer) (default: 30).

    If specified APIs will be retried with exponential backoff if they are rate limited. This is the max delay (in seconds) between retries.

  • backoff_retries (integer) (default: 0).

    If specified APIs will be retried with exponential backoff if they are rate limited. This is the max number of retries.

  • enabled_services_only (boolean) (default: false).

    If enabled CloudQuery will skip any resources that belong to a service that has been disabled or not been enabled.

    If you use this option on a large organization (with more than 500 projects) you should also set the backoff_retries to a value greater than 0, otherwise you may hit the API rate limits.

    In >=v9.0.0 if an error is returned then CloudQuery will assume that all services are enabled and will continue to attempt to sync all specified tables rather than just ending the sync.

  • concurrency (integer) (default: 50000).

    The best effort maximum number of Go routines to use. Lower this number to reduce memory usage.

  • discovery_concurrency (integer) (default: 100).

    The number of concurrent requests that CloudQuery will make to resolve enabled services. This is only used when enabled_services_only is set to true.

  • scheduler (string) (default: dfs):

    The scheduler to use when determining the priority of resources to sync. Currently, the only supported values are dfs (depth-first search), round-robin and shuffle.

    For more information about this, see performance tuning.

  • service_account_impersonation (Service Account Impersonation spec, optional. Default: empty)

    Service Account impersonation configuration.

Service Account Impersonation Spec

  • target_principal (string) (required)

    The email address of the service account to impersonate.

  • scopes ([]string) (default: [""])

    Scopes that the impersonated credential should have.

    See available scopes in the documentation (opens in a new tab).

  • delegates ([]string) (default: empty)

    Delegates are the service account email addresses in a delegation chain. Each service account must be granted roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on the next service account in the chain.

  • subject (string) (default: empty)

    The subject field of a JWT (sub). This field should only be set if you wish to impersonate a user. This feature is useful when using domain wide delegation.

GCP + Kubernetes (GKE)

kind: source
  name: gcp
  path: "cloudquery/gcp"
  version: "v9.8.1"
  tables: ["gcp_container_clusters"]
  destinations: ["<destination>"]
kind: source
  name: k8s
  path: "cloudquery/k8s"
  version: "v5.1.0"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["<destination>"]

Kubernetes users may see the following message when running the K8s plugin on GKE Clusters:

WARNING: the gcp auth plugin is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.26+; use gcloud instead.

As part of an initiative to remove platform specific code from Kubernetes, authentication will begin to be delegated to authentication plugins, starting in version 1.26.

What does this mean for CloudQuery users?

CloudQuery does not use any specific resources which hinder the upgrade.


The easiest way to upgrade, is to install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin from gcloud components on Mac or Windows:

gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

and apt on Deb based systems:

sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin


Mac or Linux:

gke-gcloud-auth-plugin --version


gke-gcloud-auth-plugin.exe --version

Switch authentication methods

Set the flag:


Update components:

gcloud components update

Force credential update:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials {$CLUSTER_NAME}

Now you should be able to use kubectl as normal, and you should no longer see the warning in the CloudQuery output.

For more information, read Google's press release (opens in a new tab).