Core Concepts


CloudQuery offers dashboards to help customers visualize data loaded by CloudQuery into the destination of your choice. These dashboards can be used to visualize direct infrastructure data and combined with CloudQuery SQL policies for security, compliance, DevOps, and financial optimization use cases.

CloudQuery offers the following dashboard solutions:

  • Out-of-the-box prebuilt dashboards for a variety of use cases.
  • The ability to build your own customizable dashboards to fit custom needs.
  • Support with building dashboards.
  • Dashboards coupled with CloudQuery official SQL policy packs for a variety of use cases.

Use Cases

The following use cases and solutions are powered by CloudQuery. Reach out to us to learn more.

CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management)

A Grafana dashboard of AWS EC2 data

More information can be found here for building an open-source CSPM solution powered by CloudQuery. CloudQuery can be used as a CSPM platform with the ability to build custom rules, create custom visualizations, and layer policy packs for a flexible and scalable cloud security posture management tool that can cover multiple cloud providers.

Resilience and Data Backup

AWS Backup Health Dashboard Powered by CloudQuery and Grafana

More information and a getting started guide can be found here on how to manage resilience with AWS Backup and CloudQuery. CloudQuery can be used to manage resilience and support a data protection strategy by monitoring and visualizing AWS Backup Health and protected resources.

Cost Optimization

AWS Cost Optimization Dashboard Powered by CloudQuery and Grafana

For more information visit our premium policies page. CloudQuery can be used to monitor and visualize cost data to help optimize cloud spend.

Building Custom Dashboards

Custom dashboards can be built with different BI tools such as Grafana, Apache Superset, QuickSight, PowerBI. These can be layered on top of CloudQuery synced data in the destination of your choice. These reference solutions are built on a PostgreSQL and Grafana architecture. For other possible solutions and architecture, reach out to the CloudQuery team.

Contact Us

If you have questions about dashboards, use cases, or any other inquiries, contact us here.