Table: gcp_compute_disks
This table shows data for GCP Compute Disks. (opens in a new tab)
The primary key for this table is self_link.
Name | Type |
_cq_id | uuid |
_cq_parent_id | uuid |
project_id | utf8 |
architecture | utf8 |
async_primary_disk | json |
async_secondary_disks | json |
creation_timestamp | utf8 |
description | utf8 |
disk_encryption_key | json |
guest_os_features | json |
id | int64 |
kind | utf8 |
label_fingerprint | utf8 |
labels | json |
last_attach_timestamp | utf8 |
last_detach_timestamp | utf8 |
license_codes | list<item: int64, nullable> |
licenses | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
location_hint | utf8 |
name | utf8 |
options | utf8 |
params | json |
physical_block_size_bytes | int64 |
provisioned_iops | int64 |
provisioned_throughput | int64 |
region | utf8 |
replica_zones | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
resource_policies | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
resource_status | json |
satisfies_pzs | bool |
self_link (PK) | utf8 |
size_gb | int64 |
source_consistency_group_policy | utf8 |
source_consistency_group_policy_id | utf8 |
source_disk | utf8 |
source_disk_id | utf8 |
source_image | utf8 |
source_image_encryption_key | json |
source_image_id | utf8 |
source_snapshot | utf8 |
source_snapshot_encryption_key | json |
source_snapshot_id | utf8 |
source_storage_object | utf8 |
status | utf8 |
type | utf8 |
users | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
zone | utf8 |
Example Queries
These SQL queries are sampled from CloudQuery policies and are compatible with PostgreSQL.
Ensure VM disks for critical VMs are encrypted with Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) (Automated)
name AS resource_id,
'Ensure VM disks for critical VMs are encrypted with Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) (Automated)'
AS title,
project_id AS project_id,
WHEN (disk_encryption_key->>'sha256') IS NULL
OR disk_encryption_key->>'sha256' = ''
OR (source_image_encryption_key->>'kms_key_name') IS NULL
OR source_image_encryption_key->>'kms_key_name' = ''
THEN 'fail'
ELSE 'pass'
AS status