Table: aws_cloudwatch_alarms
This table shows data for Cloudwatch Alarms.
The primary key for this table is arn.
Name | Type |
_cq_id | uuid |
_cq_parent_id | uuid |
account_id | utf8 |
region | utf8 |
tags | json |
arn (PK) | utf8 |
dimensions | json |
actions_enabled | bool |
alarm_actions | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
alarm_arn | utf8 |
alarm_configuration_updated_timestamp | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
alarm_description | utf8 |
alarm_name | utf8 |
comparison_operator | utf8 |
datapoints_to_alarm | int64 |
evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile | utf8 |
evaluation_periods | int64 |
evaluation_state | utf8 |
extended_statistic | utf8 |
insufficient_data_actions | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
metric_name | utf8 |
metrics | json |
namespace | utf8 |
ok_actions | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
period | int64 |
state_reason | utf8 |
state_reason_data | utf8 |
state_transitioned_timestamp | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
state_updated_timestamp | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
state_value | utf8 |
statistic | utf8 |
threshold | float64 |
threshold_metric_id | utf8 |
treat_missing_data | utf8 |
unit | utf8 |
Example Queries
These SQL queries are sampled from CloudQuery policies and are compatible with PostgreSQL.
Disabled CloudWatch alarm
'Disabled CloudWatch alarm' AS title,
arn AS resource_id,
'fail' AS status
actions_enabled = false OR array_length(alarm_actions, 1) = 0;