Table: aws_autoscaling_groups
This table shows data for Auto Scaling Groups.
The primary key for this table is arn.
The following tables depend on aws_autoscaling_groups:
Name | Type |
_cq_id | uuid |
_cq_parent_id | uuid |
account_id | utf8 |
region | utf8 |
load_balancers | json |
load_balancer_target_groups | json |
arn (PK) | utf8 |
tags | json |
tags_raw | json |
auto_scaling_group_name | utf8 |
availability_zones | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
created_time | timestamp[us, tz=UTC] |
default_cooldown | int64 |
desired_capacity | int64 |
health_check_type | utf8 |
max_size | int64 |
min_size | int64 |
auto_scaling_group_arn | utf8 |
capacity_rebalance | bool |
context | utf8 |
default_instance_warmup | int64 |
desired_capacity_type | utf8 |
enabled_metrics | json |
health_check_grace_period | int64 |
instances | json |
launch_configuration_name | utf8 |
launch_template | json |
load_balancer_names | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
max_instance_lifetime | int64 |
mixed_instances_policy | json |
new_instances_protected_from_scale_in | bool |
placement_group | utf8 |
predicted_capacity | int64 |
service_linked_role_arn | utf8 |
status | utf8 |
suspended_processes | json |
target_group_arns | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
termination_policies | list<item: utf8, nullable> |
traffic_sources | json |
vpc_zone_identifier | utf8 |
warm_pool_configuration | json |
warm_pool_size | int64 |
notification_configurations | json |
Example Queries
These SQL queries are sampled from CloudQuery policies and are compatible with PostgreSQL.
Auto Scaling groups associated with a load balancer should use health checks
'Auto Scaling groups associated with a load balancer should use health checks'
AS title,
arn AS resource_id,
WHEN array_length(load_balancer_names, 1) > 0
AND health_check_type IS DISTINCT FROM 'ELB'
THEN 'fail'
ELSE 'pass'
AS status