CloudQuery Product Updates #7

August 21, 2023

Yevgeny Pats
Yevgeny Pats

Hey everyone! Our monthly round-up of CloudQuery product and roadmap updates is here!


  • Open source: SDKs & plugins.
  • Premium (closed source): New plugins, policies and dashboards.


With the recent Adoption of Apache Arrow (opens in a new tab) as CloudQuery's in-memory data format, the CloudQuery SDK is now expanding beyond Go (which means you can write CloudQuery plugins in other languages)!

The first one is, of course, the undisputed king of data engineering--Python! and the 2nd after is the undisputed king of the web--JavaScript!


New Open Source Sources Plugins

New Premium Plugins

AWS, GCP, Azure

Check out the full changelog for AWS (opens in a new tab), GCP (opens in a new tab) and Azure (opens in a new tab) for full updates.


We've extended our security & compliance policies (opens in a new tab) to Snowflake via our premium offering!


We released a premium AWS Cost optimization pack (opens in a new tab) with queries and Grafana dashboards.

Other notable blogs and use-cases