Announcing Policies in CloudQuery Hub

August 9, 2021

Yevgeny Pats
Yevgeny Pats

HCL policies were deprecated - see up-to-date policy documentation here (opens in a new tab).

Today, we’re excited to announce the availability of CloudQuery Policies (opens in a new tab) in CloudQuery Hub (opens in a new tab).

Less than two months ago we introduced CloudQuery Hub (opens in a new tab) as a single place to browse, install and share CloudQuery pluggable providers and integrations.

Last month we introduced CloudQuery Policies (opens in a new tab) that brought policy-as-code to the CloudQuery ecosystem. CQ Policies enable users to codify, version and run security, governance, cost and compliance rules, using SQL as the query layer and HCL as the logical layer.

What’s Inside CloudQuery Policy Hub?

As a natural next step we created a link between the two to enable users to browse, install and share CQ Policies on CQ Hub. Together with this release we also open-sourced three frequently asked policies: AWS CIS 1.2.0 (opens in a new tab), Azure CIS 1.3.0 (opens in a new tab), GCP CIS 1.2.0 (opens in a new tab).

  • Native GitHub support: All policies are backed and versioned by GitHub.
  • Query Browser: All policies uploaded to CQ Hub get automatic documentation, versioning and listing of queries available in each policy.

What’s next

As with every product/feature announcement, we are eager to hear feedback and ideas - feel free to hop into our Discord Channel (opens in a new tab) or open an issue on our github (opens in a new tab).

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